Friday, October 3, 2008

1-5 hrs.

Once I got past the fishing and few other tasks the game started to pick up a little bit.  I played for the first time as Link’s wolf form. Again, I spent the better part of fifteen minutes simply trying to find the correct place to “dig” in order to satisfy the prompts to get out of the prison cell where the Link’s wolf-form is first found. Movements and controls are more or less the same, the key difference being that in wolf form I have the ability to “sense”. As far as I can tell so far, “sense” is simply the ability to see items buried in the ground such as hearts and rupees.

Once I completed the short, story-based tutorial for the wolf, part of the plot was revealed. Princess Zelda’s thrown room was invaded by soldiers from the “King of Twilight”. Faced with choosing for the people of Hyrule immediate death or life in twilight. She chose life. “Twilight” (which is referred to more as a substance than as a particular time of day) descended upon Hyrule and when it did, all of its subjects, save Zelda, were transformed unwittingly into spirit form.

This is the section of the game that allows me to really get a handle on playing in Link’s wolf form. Lot’s of platforming and Wiimote swinging.

So I’m transformed back into wolf and have to gather some items in the village. The final thing that I have to gather is a bridge. I had come to a particular clearing and need to walk across this chasm, but apparently, evil twilight creatures have, in all their mischievousness, stolen the bridge that connects to the ends of the chasm.  Not only was it weird and  sort of out of place that I needed to find a bridge, I couldn’t tell if Midna was trying to give me a hint as to where it was. He kept asking if there was a place where I remember the bridge being (I had no clue) and then he would ask if there was anyplace that “grabs you”.

That “grabs you” line was a very difficult line for me to interpret. I wasn’t sure if game was trying direct me someplace or if it was just a fluke. Now, anytime I pass into an area that is covered in twilight and giant shadow-like hand reaches and literally grabs me to take me across the border. Was it the case that Midna was trying to tell me that it was near a twilight covered area? In short, no. The “grabs you line was completely irrelevant and I was simply thinking far too deeply about it. Nevertheless I spent a good two hours over the course of two days looking for the bridge.


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